Life Story PPF stands for
Life Story Past, Present Future. It is a model of life story direct work designed by Life Story therapists at therapeutic organisation,
The Behaviour Clinic. It has been informed and developed from their expert experience of delivering Therapeutic Life Story Work to over
400 children and young people.
The model is not a therapeutic model, it is a certified direct work model for social workers and social care practitioners to use. It was developed because from years of practice The Behaviour Clinic realised that many children referred for Therapeutic Life Story Work would not need 'therapy' if they had received Life Story Direct work.
Life Story PPF training is a core part of The Behaviour Clinic's mission to create Life Story Champions who can ensure all fostered and adopted children are supported to understand their Life Story and that social workers and social care practitioners have certainty about why, when and how to deliver Life Story Work.
By developing understanding we can support children and young people through the most difficult times and help them develop an emotionally healthy outlook!